Beautiful 3D Table Topper to Make For Every Season

Dress Up a Candle or Display the Wreath As Is!
If this table topper looks familiar it’s because it’s similar to the Fold n’ Stitch Wreath that’s so popular. It’s made from hexagons instead of squares, giving it a whole new look.
This wreath is perfectly sized for dressing up a candle for a party or the holidays, and for enjoying every day. It will be just as lovely without a candle, or use it to highlight a vase or other decorative object.
This topper will be wonderful on your table, but it also can be hung on a wall (minus the candle, of course!). We can easily imagine one made up for each season. Can’t you just see it in Autumn colors and Christmas fabrics?
Another version by Sewandplay on Etsy.
Found on Ebay. We believe this was also made by Sewandplay.
This version is from Cotton Patch Quilt Shop.
Made by Sewandplay.
The finished size is 14″ across. That’s 7″ smaller in diameter than the popular Fold n’ Stitch Wreath, giving you more places to display it.