Bluprint (formerly Craftsy) is Closing

What This Means for You!
We have just learned that Bluprint is closing. This great source of fabric, quilt kits, thread, classes and more will leave a huge void in the quilting and crafts community.
While few details are available at this time, it has been stated that Sunday, May 31st is the last day to purchase Bluprint products. View the entire quilting-related product selection here.
Enter code SURPRISE35 at checkout to get 35% off your order.
It’s unknown at this time exactly what this means for classes and subscriptions, although the company’s initial statement sounds encouraging. A letter to customers states:
“For now, I wanted to let you know that we are looking at various options to allow those of you who have purchased individual classes to receive a copy of your classes. This includes individual classes purchased with own forever credits. We are also planning to issue prorated refunds for paid subscribers based on the last day our service will be available, which will be communicated when that date is finalized in the near future.”
Until more details are available we recommend downloading all patterns and printable class materials as soon as you can. Also, finish watching classes (and take notes) in case they become unavailable.
While today is the last day for product sales, we expect that member logins will be available until further notice. The letter for customers states that “…Bluprint will be closing over the next few months” which implies that there’s time to login and interact with your saved patterns and classes. Still, don’t put off downloading as many of your purchases as you can (classes can’t be downloaded).
You can read the full letter to customers here.
Watch this page for updates from the company.