Creative Quilt Labels

Spark Your Imagination with These Great Ideas!
Occasionally we come across a quilt label that causes us to stop and take a second (and third) look. While every quilt you complete you should have a label, taking the time to create something unique to the quilt will make the quilt extra special.
Here are some quilt labels that caught our eye. Some may have a tutorial available at the maker’s website, but most don’t. We’re sharing them for inspiration.
The following label by Heather Acton makes creative use of an old hankie. It’s from an excellent article on Creative Quilters about what to put on labels, along with many creative ideas for making them. Read the article here.
This beautiful label from Wendys Hat is cross stitched.
Here’s a sweet label made for a first quilt. Found on Foxglove Accessories.
This clever label found on Handicrafty Sisters is made using the pocket from an old pair of jeans. It goes great with the predominantly denim blue quilt.
Here’s a beautiful label on a signature quilt (found on Persnickety Quilts). The front of the quilt is signed by each person in the group.
This beautiful quilt label was found on Summer Fete. We’d like to see the maker’s name included, instead of selfsewn.
We like how this label is sewn into the binding. The quilt was found on Crafty Quilter.
Make an extra quilt block to affix to the back and use a permanent marker to write info in white (or light) spaces. This example was found on All People Quilt.
This sweet label found on Sew Sweet Violet is hand embroidered.