How to Frame a Quilt Block

A Quick and Easy Finish for a Pretty Block!
Leftover quilt blocks can become works of art by simply framing them. They’ll be lovely on the wall near the quilt that they match, or hang one, or several together wherever you want. Framed blocks also make quick and inexpensive gifts that will be treasured for years.
Before we get to the instructions, please note that this method is great for blocks (and even quilted pieces) that you don’t have a special attachment to. Over time, the acid in the backing board is likely to cause the fabric to yellow and even to decay (we’re talking many years).
Heirloom pieces should only touch archival acid-free materials and have enough space so they don’t touch the glass. A frame shop will be able to advise you on how best to protect precious items. Depending on the depth of the frame, you may just need a piece of archival backing board cut to size.
Photo from Happy at Home.
Photo from Southern Sewing Co. Read their tutorial here.
Having said that, this method is quick, inexpensive, and will display a block nicely for several years. Just be sure to hang the framed block in a spot where it won’t get direct sunlight.
From Pretty by Hand.
You’ll find inexpensive frames at craft stores and even on Amazon (like this one).
Found on Pinterest.
Photo from Suzy Quilts. See her excellent tutorial here.
Kimberly from The Fat Quarter Shop shows you how to frame a block in the following video.
You’ll find the “For the Frill of It” quilt pattern here (the quilt on the wall behind her).
Click here to view the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.