How to Make 16 Half-Square Triangles at a Time

Easily Adjust the Number to Fit Your Project!
If you’re working on a project that requires a lot of half-square triangles, give this time-saving method a try. It’s great for quilts that need a lot of HSTs from the same two fabrics.
You can make HSTs of any size, starting with a grid of squares that are 1/2″ larger than the finished units. Plus, you can adjust the number of half-square triangle blocks made at once simply by making a larger or smaller starting grid.
Amy Smart from Diary of a Quilter demonstrates the process in the video below. She also shows a time-saving method for squaring up the HST blocks. She prefers using the Quilt In A Day Triangle Square Up Ruler (available in 6-1/2″, 9 1/2″ and 12 1/2″ ), although you may already have a ruler that will work nicely (see the requirements in her article).
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Image Source: The image at the top of the page is from Piece N Quilt.