How to Make an Economy Block in Any Size

Tips for Fussy Cutting the Centers are Also Included!
Economy blocks are showing up just about everywhere these days. Otherwise known as “square-in-a-square” or “diamond-in-a-square”, they’re great building blocks for larger projects.
One reason they’re so popular is because you can show off special motifs in the centers of the blocks. It’s not hard to fussy cut and showcase something special from a favorite piece of fabric.
Economy Block quilt in progress by Rita from Red Pepper Quilts. Read her “Economy Block Quilt in Progress & Tutorial” here.
However, you don’t have to fussy cut the center of the block. Part of the beauty of this block is that you can give it so many different looks.
Economy Block by Nicole Russell.
You can even go very graphic with your fabric choices.
Economy Block by Leslie from The Seasoned Homemaker. See her “How to Make a Perfect Economy Quilt Block” tutorial here.
Melanie at Catbird Quilt Studio has written an excellent tutorial showing how to make the blocks.
Plus, she has included instructions and a chart for making them any size.
While the blocks aren’t difficult to make, they do require sewing bias edges. Starch will help keep them from stretching.
So what’s the best way to fussy cut patches for the block centers? One way is to create a template of the right size that has a window in the center (the template edge is the seam allowance). Use the window to isolate the motif you want to showcase.
Learn more about fussy cutting and how to make a template in the following article from The Spruce Crafts.
Another way is to use tape to mark off the size of the patch you want to cut, including seam allowances. This will allow you to visually center the motif for cutting.
Image and tip from Carried Away Quilting.
Just remember that the seam allowance is included so make sure you leave enough space on all four sides. The motif will need to be at least a quarter of an inch away from the edges of the ruler.
Cut two sides of the square then flip the ruler around to cut the other two sides.
Economy Block by Sedef from Down Grapevine Lane.
Image Source: The quilt at the top of the page was made by Kristen Olson.