How to Mount a Quilt Block Over Stretched Canvas

Turn a Block or Small Top Into a Work of Art!
Have you ever started putting a quilt together and decided not to finish it? Or, do you have a pretty orphan block you’d like to display? It’s a simple matter to attach a small quilt top or block to a canvas stretcher and display it like the work of art that it is.
Mounting patchwork to stretched canvas is fairly simple to do (find stretched canvas at craft stores or view the selection here). And, it provides a quick finish while lending importance to the piece. While you can attach a quilted piece, the beauty of this method is that you can finish a piecing project without layering, quilting and binding.
Crystal at Modified Tradition provides a tutorial for mounting a block on canvas. Her method involves adding strips of fabric around the edges of the block to stretch around to the back of the stretcher bars. She also includes a layer of batting to soften the look.
This method does not damage the block itself with staples. So, you can take it off the stretcher in the future, remove the strips and finish the block as usual, should you decide to do so.
Photo found on Pinterest.
A second method is outlined by Rachel from Stitched in Color. She makes each block large enough to stretch around to the back of the stretcher (you can also add strips to enlarge a block). She handles corners differently than Crystal does, which makes for a quicker finish.
If you want to stretch a block or top without adding strips around the outside, make sure the seams that reach outside edges are secured so the block doesn’t start to pull apart while you’re stretching it. Topstitch with a short stitch around the outside of the block if you did not backstitch at the end of each seam.
Leila Gardunia demonstrates how to handle corners similar to Rachel’s method in the following video.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Mounting a block or pieced top is a lovely way to finish and display your work. A small mounted piece also makes a nice gift.
Image Source: The image at the top of the page was found on Pinterest.