How to Perfectly Square-up Hourglass Blocks

Block Instructions Are Included!
Hourglass blocks are super simple to make and are used in so many quilt designs. With perfect cutting and stitching they won’t need trimming.
However, as with any block, they may or may not turn out perfect. Therefore, it’s a good idea to square them up before stitching the blocks together.
These blocks can be a bit tricky to trim, as you want those seams to align exactly in the corners. Otherwise the blocks will be a bit wonky.
Jacquelynne Steves has written an excellent tutorial about squaring up Hourglass blocks. She shows exactly how to get those seams in just the right place while ensuring that the blocks are the correct size and square.
Leslie, from The Seasoned Homemaker, has done a great job of clearly explaining the process of making Hourglass blocks, which can easily be adapted for any size block.
You’ll need two sets of fabric squares for each Hourglass block (actually, that makes two finished blocks). Use the same two fabrics for each set for two-color Hourglass blocks. Or use 3 or 4 fabrics for multi-colored blocks.
Image Source: The photo at the top of the page is from SewFunQuilts on Etsy.