Make a Handy Bag for Binding Essentials

Every Quilter Needs a Go-With Binding Bag!
This attractive little patchwork bag was cleverly designed to store everything you need for hand stitching quilt bindings. It’s easy to grab and take with you whenever you’ll have a few minutes to sit and work on a binding.
The Goody Goody Binding Bag designed by Vanessa at Lella Boutique holds binding essentials and goes together quickly. You can easily make one from your favorite fabric scraps.
The sweet strawberry pocket holds your scissors, a piece of wool felt secures needles, and a built-in thread holder keeps those spools in their place.
There’s a handy zippered compartment for holding binding clips, but don’t panic. This is about the easiest zipper installation we’ve ever seen, and it’s demonstrated in the video (see below).
Plus, there’s a spacious pocket for goodies (hence the name Goody Goody Binding Bag!) and any other binding essentials.
This would be a great project for your quilting group. Or, make several to give to your favorite quilters. They’ll really appreciate your thoughtfulness!
The following video showcases the great features of this bag, plus shows how easy it is to install the zipper.
This project is so much fun! It won’t take you long to make one (or several!).