Pretty Round Pot Holders are Quick and Easy to Make

They’re Great Gifts, Too!
Are you tired of the same old square potholders? These round ones are super cute and have handy pockets for your hands.
The pocket makes them great gifts, too. Create a personalized gift by sliding in a special recipe, tools, or whatever else the recipient will appreciate.
Each set of two pot holders is made from two complementary fat quarters. Or, use 1/4″ yard of fabric for one. A third fabric is used for the binding. Shop your stash for charming combinations.
The finished potholders, designed by Melissa from Polka Dot Chair, are 8″ across. Insul-Bright batting provides heat-proofing.
While the pattern was originally provided for free, the potholders have now been bundled into a Christmas potholder pattern combo. Instructions are also included for a matching stripey dishtowel (using a flour sack towel).
The pattern also includes a bonus set of Printable Baking Gift Tags, which includes both holiday and general themed gift tags.
Great idea! I love this.
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