These Cozies Dress Up Jars and Keep Contents Warm or Cool

They Make Great Gifts Too!
Mason jars have so many uses, whether for eating and drinking or as handy containers around the home. Jar cozies are great companions, whether you use jars for food and beverages or want to dress them up for other uses.
Insulated cozies will keep jar contents warm or cool and make them more comfortable to hold. They also serve as built-in coasters for protecting surfaces.
Cozies also make great handmade gifts. For example, give a jar and a cozy with craft beer, a bag of coffee beans for iced coffee, a bouquet of flowers, or an in-a-jar recipe for overnight oatmeal or take-along salad.
Cozies by Jamie Johnson.
Cozy by @jbd00000.
Cozies by Ann Anderson.
Jar cozies are so simple and quick to make that you can have several done in just a few hours. Insulate them with cotton batting, or use Insul-Bright batting to keep the contents warm or cool.
In the video below, Nikki Schreiner from Pin Cut Sew Studio demonstrates how they’re made. She also includes many great mason jar gift ideas.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Create insulated mason jar cozies in pint or quart size with this beginner-friendly pattern. Choose the plain version or use patchwork made from scraps.
Scroll through the Photos from Reviews below the product description for more examples.