This Promenading Tulips Quilt is Simply Wonderful

No Exact Pattern is Available but There Are Enough Hints to Construct Your Own!
Every time we come across this quilt we need to stop and admire it for awhile. Everything about it appeals to us. The lovely tulips, the colors, the scrappy look … and the border treatment is simply spectacular. To finish it off, the quilting is creative and gorgeous.
“Promenading Tulips”, by Lea Anne Brummett of Podunk Pretties, is Lea’s own overall design. However, since she combined designs from other quilters she can’t provide a full pattern (due to copyright restrictions). She does offer enough hints that clever quilters should be able to create something similar.
The tulip block is from Lori Holt’s book “Quilty Fun: Lessons in Scrappy Patchwork”. Lea added a center block so that four tulips form a sort of pinwheel configuration.
The fabulous border is based on Kari Carr’s book “Just around the Corner: Quilts with Easy Mitered Borders”. It looks like Lea used Kari’s overall method, with piano key piecing instead of a wide strips of fabric, for the final border. Yo-yo flowers finish it off. (Kari’s method is a wonderful border treatment for any type of quilt.)
Lea has written several blog posts about this quilt. The main links are included here but be sure to follow the links in her articles as well.
Followed a link from a FB post because I was so impressed with the border. The piano key / swag / yoyo combo is SO clever. Equally impressed with leaving the swag loose to quilt the feathers behind. Bravo on a clever, effective combo. You make quilter proud by continuing the tradition of combining favorite elements for something unique.
Hi Marjorie. I agree this quilt is super creative and impressive. The quilt was made by Lea Anne Brummett of Podunk Pretties. I hope she sees your comment!
Most excellent quilting job–ever! Weni
Thanks for featuring my quilt and the kind comments.
Your quilt is spectacular! We love that we could share it with our readers. Your work is such an inspiration.