Two Methods for Making Versatile Hexagon Blocks

Configure Them Multiple Ways!
These versatile hexagon blocks are made from pieces that can be spun into many configurations. Make a project from your favorite option or use several together for a sampler effect.
Both blocks are made from strips sewn into tubes and then cut apart into segments. Play with arranging the segments to find your favorite hexagon variation.
Teresa DownUnder shows how the blocks are made in the following video. They’re simple to make and it’s fun to see all the different variations that can be achieved.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
The first method requires two strips that are 3 3/8″ x 15″ for one block.
Two strips that are 2 1/2″ x 37″ will make two blocks using the second method. You’ll need a 60 degree ruler (like this one) or the paper pattern (found here) for this block version.
Both methods produce blocks that are 8 3/4″ x 9 1/2″.
Teresa has created a lovely sampler quilt using smaller versions of these blocks (plus a few more). It’s fat quarter and jelly roll friendly and is made without Y-seams. The quilt is 60” x 59 ½” once completed.