Basic Sewing Machine Maintenance

Learn From a Machine Repair Expert!
There’s nothing quite as annoying as having your machine act up when you’re stitching away on a quilting project. If you’ve been sewing for awhile you probably already know your machine well enough to tweak this and that as needed. But do you know as much as you could about keeping your machine in good working order?
The more you know about basic sewing machine maintenance, the faster you can fix some things yourself. Better yet, you’re likely to realize more quickly when your machine needs to go in for repairs. Knowing when to stop tinkering and head to the repair shop will get you back to sewing that much sooner.
Sewing machine technician extraordinaire, Rob Appell of Man Sewing, has created three excellent videos that walk you through basic machine maintenance.
Rob covers everything you need to know from A to Z, with a ton of helpful tips thrown in. You’re likely to benefit from this valuable info even if you already know quite a bit about your machine.
Just remember that not all machines are the same and yours may or may not respond well to the tips in the following videos. Keep your machine handbook handy while you determine which of the suggestions are appropriate for your machine.
How to Clean and Oil Your Machine
Learn all the insider do’s and don’t about cleaning and oiling your machine to keep it in good working order. Some machines do not need to be oiled, so refer to the instructions before you begin.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
How to Adjust the Tension on Your Machine
This is an excellent video about sewing machine tension. Learn how to diagnose whether or not the tension is responsible for the problem you’re having, and how to fix it if it is.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
How to Determine if Timing is the Problem
Learn how to check the timing and determine if your machine needs an adjustment.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
thanks so much for your knowledge and for sharing it
Very good, A refresher is always good. Time well spent watching. Thank again
This is a great video!
Very good video. I learned a whole lot. Have old Singer, have retired it. Replaced it with a new Singer. Thanks for the lessons.