Fold ‘n Stitch Wreath for Your Door or Table

Choose Fabrics for Any Season!
This gorgeous wreath will be charming wherever you display it, and for any season. We can easily imagine it made up in colors for spring, summer and autumn.
This is a quick and fun project. A little stitching, some folding and you’ll have an unusual three dimensional wreath for a door, wall or table. Add some beads for sparkle, if you wish.
The finished wreath is 21″ across.
The Fat Quarter Shop tacked a heart ornament to the center of theirs for a Valentine’s Day wreath. Adapt the idea with a motif to match the season.
Here are some other ideas to get you started.
Made by Mary.
Instructions are provided by Mister Domestic for creating the sunflower wreath shown below. Click here for the free tutorial (you’ll need the “Fold ‘n Stitch Wreath” pattern too).
Halloween Centerpiece made by ladyrcatekt.
Wreath from Lyons Quilting.
Christmas version with bows added and a candle in the center. From Silly Goose Quilts.
Whatever colors and embellishments you choose, your wreath is sure to be wonderful!
Use Bosal in-R-Form in-R Single-Sided Fusible Foam Stabilizer or Peltex 71F to stiffen the wreath. This pack of 6″ Bosal in-R-Form squares is already cut specifically for this project.