Pretty Fabric and Lace Make a Sweet Pillow

Create Your Own Version Starting with Beautiful Lace or Trim!
Vintage crocheted lace found in an antique store, still attached to a band of linen, was the inspiration for this pretty pillow. Patchwork from 2 1/2″ squares, buttons and a memorable fabric round out the materials used in the this project.
The finished pillow brings to mind the adage that “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” And beautifully so.
While you may not find the exact same fabrics and it’s unlikely you’ll locate the same lace, you can make your own beautiful and unique pillow with the parts you do locate.
Start with lace or another pretty trim, then decide on colors for the patchwork. Choose a beautiful fabric to display the lace against and buttons to complete the mix.
The designer, Taunja at Carried Away Quilting, shows us a second pillow she made for Christmas using the same elements. Notice how this version has a bound edge instead of the turned finish of the first pillow. Learn more about the Christmas pillow here.
A second Christmas pillow has a very festive look. Learn more here.
Autumn prints are also wonderful in the pillow. Learn more about this version here.
The instructions are for a pillow cover that fits a 12″ x 16″ pillow form.