This Quilt is Sensational in Any Color Theme

It’s Surprisingly Simple to Make, Too!
This beautiful quilt (below) caught our eye because of the gorgeous quilting. The calming colors and medallion star design make it even lovelier.
The quilt is surprisingly easy to make. Create four quadrants for the inner star and add more for the outer band of piecing. Finish it off with a pieced border.
Quilt by Deborah Brown.
Construction of the inner star is demonstrated by Jenny from Missouri Star Quilt Co. in the video below. You can stop there for a beautiful wall or table quilt, like the two shown below.
Quilt by SUTHA.
To make the small version, like those shown above, start with 40 2-1/2″ jelly roll strips and about a yard of the background (in this case, black).
You’ll find further instructions plus fabric requirements for the large version in the video transcript.
The quilt requires The Binding Tool, providing another use for this handy ruler (binding instructions are on the tool). Get The Binding Tool here.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
There are so many beautiful versions of this quilt that it was difficult to select just a few to show you. You’ll find many more here and here.
Found on pinterest.
Quilt found on Quilting Land.
Quilt by Jane Hauprich.
Quilt by Sisha.
Found on Pinterest.