Try This Clever Tip for Fudging It

It Works Great When Blocks or Borders Are Slightly Different in Size!
Have you ever had two blocks to sew together and discovered that one is a bit longer than the other? Or is a border a tad too long or short? While you could recut the border or, heaven forbid, get out the seam ripper and resew one of the blocks, a small difference can usually be handled by fudging it.
By fudge, we mean easing them together as you sew so they fit as they should. We’re not talking about attempting to fudge a large difference, but it often works fine with slight differences.
Jennifer from American Patchwork and Quilting has an excellent tip for fudging it. Using her method you’re more likely to achieve smooth seams and no one will ever notice that one piece is slightly longer than the other once the top is pressed and quilted. Watch as she explains in the following video.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
A written transcript of the video is available here.