Build FMQ Skills and Confidence with Fabric Panels

You’ll Have a Small Quilt to Share When You’re Done!
Do you want to improve your free-motion quilting? Skip the piecing and go straight to the quilting by using fabric panels. They’re great for practicing free-motion quilting (FMQ) and, unlike small practice squares, you’ll have a quilt to share once you’re done.
Panels provide easy-to-follow designs to quilt around, helping to develop your hand/eye coordination. And, because there’s no piecing involved, you don’t need to worry about messing up a project you’ve put a lot of time and materials into.
Pat Sloan shows how to quilt a panel in the following video. Keep in mind that the quilting doesn’t need to be perfect to be effective. After all, these are practice pieces.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Pat recommends quilting five panels, one after another, over a short period of time. By working a little every day your FMQ skills will improve dramatically by the time you finish the fifth quilt.
Learn more about Pat’s ingenious five-step plan for using panels to improve your free-motion skills at the following link. It’s excerpted from her book, Teach Me to Machine Quilt, which is available here.
You’ll find nice selections of panels to choose from here and here.