The Ultimate Scrap Buster Quilt

Stitch an Array of Scraps Into This Quilt and Enjoy the Impressive Outcome!
Any combination of scraps that are two inches and larger can be made into this stunning quilt. Simply replicate the value placement and the overall pattern will emerge before your eyes.
Tie everything together with two borders and a binding in the colors you want to emphasize. Voila! A fabulous quilt that is not only gorgeous in its own right, but that will contain snippets of favorite fabrics and memories of other projects.
Designer Izy goes into great detail about fabric placement and working with scraps. Even beginning quilters can make this quilt using her instructions. And, if you have an extensive scrap collection, you won’t need to cut into new fabric to complete it (except for the borders and binding?).
The finished quilt will nicely fit a double or queen bed, although you can easily add or delete rows of blocks to adjust the size.