Braid Strips Together for a Pretty Rug

Fold the Strips for a More Polished Finish!
Braid folded strips of fabric together for this beautifully polished take on a rag rug. It’s sure to add warmth and charm wherever you decide to display it. The rug is simple to make and a fun project to work on in between larger quilt projects.
Start with 2 1/2″ jelly roll strips from a coordinated pack, use up leftovers for a more scrappy look, or cut strips from your stash. Any color theme will be beautiful so have fun choosing fabric for this project.
One pack of 2 1/2″ jelly roll strips will produce a rug that is 25″ in diameter. Create a 34″ rug with two packs of jelly roll strips. You can go larger by using more strips or smaller for placemats or a table topper centerpiece.
Instructions for the “Cozy at Home Rug”, designed by Allison Jensen of Woodberry Way, are included in Welcome to Woodberry Way: An Inviting Collection of Delightful Quilt. We’d love to make many of the beautiful quilts included in the collection.