Fabric Thread on Spools Make Pretty Ornaments

These Can be Used for Necklaces, Too!
Wooden spools painted white and wrapped with fabric “thread” are charming on a Christmas tree or hung elsewhere around the house. What a fun way to use up some of those scraps!
We’ve also seen these attached to long chains and worn as necklaces. Either way, they’ll be wonderful gifts, and not just for your quilting and sewing friends.
They’re super easy to make, too. Twist thin fabric strips into “thread”, wrap it around a wooden spool that was painted white and add pearls and charms for a bit of bling. We’ve also seen flat buttons used instead of pearls to hide the holes in the spools.
The following pictures provide more ideas for adding charms and such to your ornaments. They were made by wrapping stiff paper around the spools. However, fabric and mod podge would work as well, as would ribbon. The decorations will be lovely with the twisted fabric version, too. Click the links under the photos for construction information.
From Happy Bird Crafting Haven.
From My So Called Crafty Life.
From My So Called Crafty Life.
From My So Called Crafty Life.
Craft stores carry everything you need for making these ornaments. Wooden spools can also be found at Amazon. Look over the selection of wooden spools here.