How to Make Hanging Tabs for Wall Quilts

Two Methods to Choose From!
Do you dread having to make sleeves in order to hang your small quilts? There’s a lot of hand stitching involved in adding sleeves, but fortunately there’s a faster and easier way.
Sew hanging tabs into the top edge of a small quilt for a quick finish. Tabs also provide a decorative touch that finishes a wall hanging nicely.
In the following video Kim from Chatterbox quilts demonstrates how she adds tabs to her small quilts without any hand stitching. Her method works for projects that are finished by turning instead of with bindings.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
If you prefer to use a binding to finish your quilt, the method demonstrated by Jo in the following video should work nicely for you. Tack the tabs down by hand so they hide behind the quilt or fold them up so they show.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Either method can be altered to whatever width and length of tabs you prefer and that work with the rod you’ll use to hang the quilt. Space the tabs so the quilt doesn’t sag between them.
Image Source: The photo at the top of the page is from Stitching Farmgirl.
A very good Tutorial
Very helpful tutorial. thank you.